About this course

You’ve got your article, blog, or website ready to post. But will anyone see it after you publish? This course will teach you how to use search engine data to expand the reach of your online science communication.

You’ll learn basic search engine optimization skills (keyword research, on-page keyword use, and hyperlinking). With these skills, you will be able to find out what language the public uses when searching on science questions and how to use that language in your writing to signal to search engine algorithms to return your article when the public does these searches.

We will also cover how to link to other websites in your online writing to make sure good science is at the top of those search results, how and why to build links to your articles and websites, and why these skills are so important to science communication.

Who should Register?

Science writers, website owners, scientists and scicommers who address misinformation.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Get Found on Google

    2. A personal introduction

    1. Pre-lesson: Your thoughts on why SEO

    2. Why SEO, introductions

    3. Why SEO 'global warming hoax' case study

    4. Course overview & what SEO we will learn

    1. How search engines work & how good SEO works

    2. Keyword basics & Google Trends

    3. Moz account setup

    1. Lesson 3 recording

    1. How to use keywords

    1. Anatomy of a link

    2. How linking patterns count

    3. Subdomains vs subfolders

About this course

  • 6 hours of video content
  • $89.99 ASC member
  • $109.99 non-ASC member


Effie Greathouse

SEO for Science Teacher

Dr. Greathouse is the director of Digital Resources for Community and Science, whose mission is to promote public understanding of, and public influence over, science and society. Their core method towards that mission is to make science-based websites, innovate science communication on social media, and work with scientists and science organizations to use best practices in these online communications. Dr. Greathouse holds a B.S. in wildlife, fish, and conservation biology from the University of California, Davis and a Ph.D. in ecology from the University of Georgia.