S.P.A.R.K. | 5 strategies for the visual communication of science
Learn to harness the power of pictures to engage and educate any audience.
In an age of increasingly complex science, pictures can be a key to communicating clearly. But few science communicators have had a chance to learn how to access the power of pictures to engage and educate their audiences.
This course is designed to empower anyone to do that — to create pictures that clearly convey science information, no matter how complex.
What you'll learn in this course
S.P.A.R.K. will change forever the way you think about pictures and use them to communicate about science.
You’ll learn core concepts of visual communication. This is not a course on how to draw. The S.P.A.R.K. strategies work with many ways of presenting information — diagrams, charts, posters, sketches, cartoons, even data visualizations. What you'll learn can be applied to pictures created by hand or with software you already know.
Each of the 24 videos is 10 minutes or less. You’ll learn:
Learn to harness the power of pictures to engage and educate any audience!
Video 1: About this course
Video 2: What is a picture?
Video 3: Making clear pictures
Video 4: Context sandwich
Context sandwich worksheet
Video 5: DEMO–Serve a Sandwich
Video 6: DEMO–Jumpstart visual thinking
PDF Visual menu template
Video 7: Path patterns
PDF: Path pattern chart
Video 8: Narrative paths
Video 9: DEMO–Plan a Path
Video 10: Audience sweet spot
PDF: Sweet spot locator
Video 11: Let go of literalism
Video 12: Customize to connect
Video 13: DEMO–Access your Audience
Who should Register?
Media producers, writers, journalists, educators, publishers, communications professionals, researchers, academics, students—anyone interested in making a greater impact with their science messages.
Join the ranks of science communicators who have already used S.P.A.R.K. to improve their outreach and communication skills, including: Yale Science Diplomats, Harvard University Science in the News (SITN), the Innovative Genomics Institute, the University of Miami, Louisiana Tech University, and the University of Oregon, along with labs and individuals worldwide.
“I highly recommend this course to other technical folks, including science writers who desire to clearly communicate their work to a broad audience.”
“This is a well-thought-out course that was clearly prepared with care. I highly recommend it to anyone who has ever felt the frustration of not being able to communicate complex ideas into clear visuals. A necessary resource for... science nonartists everywhere.”
“Palay and Tolpa inspire us to tell meaningful stories using simple, easy to draw pictures built around a solid story path... I will highly recommend the course at my workshops and to anyone looking to advance to the next level in science presentation.”
“It was fun to do and I’ll recommend it to my colleagues.”
“I found this course to include remarkably clear and sound advice for developing science graphics. Great content... especially for newbies and scientists.”
“SPARK is the best and most comprehensive examination and explanation of techniques... to improve visual communication. It will change the way I think about and create more effective presentations.”
“This is a terrific course for learning how to pare down dense information and prioritize the most important elements of your scientific story to communicate to your audience.”